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Short Term Study Abroad Programmes. FREE Spanish Course



  1. Short Term Study Abroad Programmes
  2. Special Courses on Spanish Literature and Culture
  3. Spanish as Foreign Language (SFL): FREE Spanish Course

About Zaragoza - The EXPO 2008 City
Zaragoza, Capital City of Aragon, is a multicultural modern and ancient city with 700.000 inhabitants and over 200 years of history. Zaragoza is the Roman, Muslim Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque styles mingling with a dynamic high-tech 21st Century City feverishly getting ready for the 2008 International Exposition. Zaragoza is R+D, modern communications and industry, transport networks and first-class logistics. Zaragoza is also museums and theatres, restaurants and shops, pubs and discos, parks and, not far away, the Pyrenees with plenty of outdoor activities. But Zaragoza is, above all, its friendly and welcoming people.

About the University of Zaragoza
Although founded in 1583, the University of Zaragoza (with its 35.000 students) has not lost the beat of the times. Meeting point of an increasingly multicultural population with science and research, this institution wants to remain open to a constantly widening and evolving world.

Why Zaragoza?
Academic staff at the University of Zaragoza are highly specialised and have a broad research and teaching experience. Not only in Spanish as a Foreign Language, but also in fields as interesting to international students as Spanish Literature, Geography, Archaeology, Cinema, History, Biocomputation and Physics of Complex Systems (BIFI Research Group), Aragón Institute for Engineering Research (I3A), Homogeneous Catalysis Research Institute (IUCH) and Nanotechnologies among many others.

Why now?
Because if you register for 21 credits (210 hours) of the Special Spanish Culture and Literature Courses (or any other offered course) now you will get a free 90-hour intensive Spanish Course in February or September (or an equivalent discount for other Spanish courses). And because now, with the new regulation for “Short Term Study Abroad Programmes”, the University of Zaragoza will be able to offer certain subjects as partial courses.

For further information please contact:

©2010 Vicegerencia Académica
©2010 Universidad de Zaragoza (Pedro Cerbuna 12, 50009 ZARAGOZA-ESPAÑA | Tfno. información: (34) 976-761001)